- Ahmed, S. (2024): “Transforming Standards: Observation Contextualised” (Talk), 8th Panhellenic Conference on Philosophy of Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece.
- Gautheron, L. (2024): “’When her family finds you are using the wrong metric…’: dilemmas and trade-offs in the diffusion of scientific conventions” (Talk), Social Epistemology Research Group, Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method, London School of Economics.
- Düring, J. (2024): “Interactive Scientific Pluralism and the Pluralism Debate in Economics” (Talk), Lunch Talk at the Center for the History of Political Economy, Duke University, NC, US.
- Schierenbeck, N. (2024): “From a Categorical towards a Dimensional Perspective – Historical Transformations of the Classification of Personality Disorders 1970 – 2022” (Talk), History of Medicine Working Group, Department History of Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, US.
- Remmert, V. (with Rebecca Waldecker, Halle) (2024): “Big Mathematics? The Classification of Finite Simple Groups, 1950s to 1980” (Talk), History of Modern Mathematics: A Conversation, IAS Princeton.
- Ahmed, S. (2024): “Inference to the Source” (Talk), Workshop “Methodological Transformations in Fundamental Physics”, Wuppertal, Germany.
- Gautheron, L. (2024): “Social dilemmas in high-energy physics” (Talk), Workshop “Methodological Transformations in Fundamental Physics”, Wuppertal, Germany.
- Nicolay, J. (2024): “Finding a place for Germany on the Ocean: the research vessel ‘Meteor’ during the 1960s ” (Talk), Fourth World Congress of Environmental History (WCEH), Oulu, Finnland.
- Gautheron, L. (2024): “Balancing Specialization and Adaptation in a Transforming Scientific Landscape” (Poster), 10th International Conference on Computational Social Science, Philadelphia, PA, US.
- Gautheron, L. (2024): “Inferring conventions’ function and origin from behavioral data: the example of the metric signature in high-energy physics” (Talk), Santa Fe Institute Graduate Workshop in Computational Social Science Modeling and Complexity, Santa Fe, NM, US.
- Gautheron, L. (2024): “A dialogue between philosophy of science and computational studies of science illuminates the crisis of fundamental physics” (Talk), Workshop “Philosophy of Science meets Quantitative Science Studies”, Turin, Italy.
- Nicolay, J. (2024): “METEOR I. Der Beginn der modernen Ozeanographie? Traditionsbilder im Wandel” (Talk), Symposium 100 Jahre Forschungsschifffahrt Zur Geschichte der METEOR I, Bremerhaven, Germany.
- Nicolay, J. (2024): “Die Konstruktion der zweiten „Meteor“: Der deutsche Blick auf die Weltmeere in den 1960er Jahren” (Talk), GTG conference, Berlin, Germany.
- Schierenbeck, N. (2024): “Frühe Klassifikationen der Persönlichkeitsstörungen ab 1900” (Talk), Early career networking event GBME – Geschichte der Bio- und Medizinethik, Jena, Germany.
- Remmert, V. (2024): “Historicizing the Classification of Finite Simple Groups, 1970s onward” (Talk), Workshop “Mathematics and Its Historiography in the Long Twentieth Century: Circulations and Interactions”, Wuppertal, Germany.
- Ahmed, S. (2024): “Transforming Standards: Observation Contextualised” (Talk), Graduate Workshop “What Do We Talk About When We Talk About (Scientific) Practices?”, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany.
- Düring, J. (2024): “Introducing Interactive Scientific Pluralism to Economics” (Talk), Institutskolloquium Philosophisches Seminar University of Münster, Münster, Germany.
- Düring, J. (2024): “What Economic Pluralists Can Learn from Interactive Scientific Pluralism” (Talk), Reading Group of the ERC project “Model Transfer”, Online.
- Dierkes, J. (2023): “On Dummies and Dates: The Advent of Simulation-Based Training in Medical Education” (Talk), 9th Norwegian Conference on the History of Science, Trondheim, Norway.
- Schierenbeck, N. (2023): “About the classification of personality disorders: Transformations in the face of definable landmarks or incremental change?” (Talk), 9th Norwegian Conference on the History of Science, Trondheim, Norway.
- Gautheron, L. (2023): “From Colliders to Cosmos: Dynamics of Cooperation and Collaboration in High-Energy Physics” (Talk), Summer school “Collaboration and Interdisciplinarity in Science and Technology”, Wuppertal, Germany.
- Nicolay, J. (2023): “Wie der Südatlantik zum „Meer der deutschen Ozeanographie“ wurde: Dimensionen von Mobilität der Deutschen Atlantischen Expedition 1925-27” (Talk), GWMT Jahrestagung, Ingolstadt, Germany.
- Nicolay, J. (2023): “Von reif gewordenen Problemen und deutscher Forschungstradition: Narrative von Zeitlichkeit in der deutschen Meeresforschung zwischen 1925 und 1965” (Talk), Driburger Kreis, Ingolstadt, Germany.
- Schierenbeck, N. (2023): “Von einer kategorialen zu einer dimensionalen Perspektive. Zur historischen Entwicklung der Klassifikation von Persönlichkeitsstörungen” (Talk), Tagung der Gesellschaft für Kulturpsychologie und der DGPs Fachgruppe Geschichte der Psychologie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
- Düring, J. (2023): “Interactive Pluralism and Ecological Economics” (Talk), 6th International Conference of Economic Philosophy: „Economic Philosophy in the Age of the Anthropocene“, Lille, France.
- Schierenbeck, N. (2023): “Women’s Impact on the Classification of Mental Disorders: Psychoanalytical Pioneers or Hysterical Research Objects?” (Talk), Croatia Libori Summer School 2023, Zagreb, Croatia.
- Gautheron, L. (2023): “Probing Socio-Epistemic Dynamics in High-Energy Physics Using the Inspire HEP Database” (Talk), “Big Data & HPS” Conference, Online.
- Nicolay, J. (2023): “Die Erschließung neuer Räume durch wandernde Instrumente: Die Atlantische Expedition des Forschungsschiffes „Meteor” 1925-27” (Talk), GTG Conference, Wuppertal, Germany.
- Gautheron, L. (2023): “La Désunité de la Physique des Hautes-Énergies” (Talk), XIVe Congrès de la Société française d’histoire des sciences et des techniques: symposium “La physique de l’après Seconde guerre mondiale, entre ruptures et continuités”, Bordeaux, France.
- Ahmed, S. (2023): “An Inferential-Information Transmission Account of Observation” (Talk), British Society for the Philosophy of Science Annual Conference (BSPS), Bristol, UK.
- Ahmed, S. (2023): “An Inferential-Information Transmission Account of Observation” (Talk), 4th Lisbon International Conference on Philosophy of Science (LICPOS), Lisbon, Portugal.
- Ahmed, S. (2023): “What is Scientific Observation? Is There a General Distinction between Direct and Indirect Observation?” (Poster), European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA2023), Belgrade, Serbia.
- Ahmed, S. (2023): “Best Explanation as the Source of Information: The Role of IBE in Modern Observations” (Talk), Philosophy of Experiment Conference, Establishing the Nordic Network for Philosophy of Physics, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Schierenbeck, N. (2023): “The Historical Transformation of the Classification of Personality Disorders” (Poster), EPA 2023 – 31st Congress of Psychiatry, Paris, France.
- Gautheron, L. (2022): “The Many Faces of Supersymmetry: Supersymmetry across Subcultures of High-Energy Physics, 1971–2019” (Talk), History of Science Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, US.
- Gautheron, L. (2022): “Who Trusts Supersymmetry? Probing Quantitative Methods for Investigating Research Orientations in High-Energy Physics” (Talk), 4th International Spring School of the Epistemology of the Large Hadron Collider, Wuppertal, Germany.
- Ahmed, S. (2022): “Modal Aspects of Observability” (Talk), Mini-Workshop “Philosophy of Science”, Wuppertal, Germany.
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