Sociology / Philosophy of Science and Physics
Project: Social dilemmas in high-energy physics.
Supervisors: Thomas Heinze / Radin Dardashti
lucas dot gautheron at
+33 6 79 23 86 47
Kasinostraße 19-21
42103 Wuppertal
6th Floor, Room 23
Selected Publications (full list here)
- Gautheron, L., Omodei, E. (2023): How Research Programs Come Apart: The Example of Supersymmetry and the Disunity of Physics. Quantitative Science Studies, 2023.
Selected Talks
- Gautheron, L. (2024) “Inferring conventions’ function and origin from behavioral data: the example of the metric signature in high-energy physics”. Santa Fe Institute Graduate Workshop in Computational Social Science Modeling and Complexity.
- Gautheron, L. (2024) “A dialogue between philosophy of science and computational studies of science illuminates the crisis of fundamental physics”. Workshop “Philosophy of Science meets Quantitative Science Studies”, Turin, Italy.
- Gautheron L. (2023): “Balancing Specialization and Adaptation in a Transforming Scientific Landscape: Modelling scientists’ behavior with Natural Language Processing”, LATTICE Seminar, Montrouge, France. [invited talk]
- Gautheron L. (2023): “Too beautiful to be false, or too beautiful to be true: supersymmetry and the future of high-energy physics”, 2JM Medialab Seminar, Sciences Po, Paris, 2023
- Gautheron, L. (2023): “From Colliders to Cosmos: Dynamics of Cooperation and Collaboration in High-Energy Physics”. Summer school Collaboration and Interdisciplinarity in Science and Technology, Wuppertal, Germany. [invited talk]
- Gautheron, L. (2023): “Probing Socio-Epistemic Dynamics in High-Energy Physics Using the Inspire HEP Database”. Big Data & HPS, Toronto [conference talk, online].
- Gautheron, L. (2023): “La désunité de la physique des hautes-énergies”, XIVe Congrès de la Société française d’histoire des sciences et des techniques: symposium “La physique de l’après Seconde guerre mondiale, entre ruptures et continuités”, Bordeaux, France. [conference talk]
- Gautheron, L. (2022): “The many faces of supersymmetry: Supersymmetry across subcultures of High-Energy Physics, 1971–2019”. History of Science Society Annual Meeting: group session on Historical Epistemology of Particle Physics and Quantum Gravity, Chicago, IL, United States. [conference talk]
- Gautheron, L. (2022): “Who trusts supersymmetry? Probing quantitative methods for investigating research orientations in High-Energy Physics”. 4th International Spring School of the Epistemology of the Large Hadron Collider: The History, Philosophy and Sociology of Large Scale Experiments, Wuppertal, Germany. [conference talk]
Short CV
- Since 2022: Ph.D. candidate in Sociology and Philosophy of Physics, Bergische Universität Wuppertal
- 2021-2022: M.A. in History and Philosophy of Science, Université Paris Cité
- 2020-2021: Lab engineer in Cognitive Science and Psycholinguistics, École Normale Supérieure (Paris)
- 2014-2018: B.Sc. & Master 1 in Physics, École Normale Supérieure (Paris-Saclay)