Public Activities


Ellinghaus, J., Remmert, V. (2024): Manipulating the Sun. Picturing Astronomical Miracles from the Bible in the Early Modern Era.

Gautheron, L., Omodei, E. (2023): How Research Programs Come Apart: The Example of Supersymmetry and the Disunity of PhysicsQuantitative Science Studies, 2023.

Harlander, R., Martinez, J.-P. and Schiemann, G. (2023): The End of the Particle Era? In: The European Physical Journal H. 48/6:

Heinze, T., Fuchs, J. E. (2023, November 8): Continuity and Change at German Public Universities since the 1990s.

Jappe, Arlette (2023): Mergers between Universities and Governmental Research Organizations in the Netherlands and Denmark. Institutional Platforms for Agricultural Transformations. Preprint.

Jappe, A., Heinze, T. (2023): Verlässliches Expertenwissen für die Hochschulpolitik? Aktuelle Befunde zur bibliometrischen Forschungsevaluation in Europa. In: Böschen, S., Nordmann, A., Reinhardt, C. (Eds.), Wissenschaft in der Verlässlichkeitsfalle? Praktiken der Konstruktion von Relevanz und Neutralität. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart. 

Schierenbeck, N.: Categorical vs. Dimensional Approach: Transformation of Scientific Knowledge about the Classification of Personality Disorders. European Yearbook of the History of Psychology, Vol. 9, pp. 3986.

Conference Contributions

Ahmed, S. (2022): “Modal Aspects of Observability”. Contributed Talk at the Mini-Workshop “Philosophy of Science”, Wuppertal, Germany.

Ahmed, S. (2023): “An Inferential-Information Transmission Account of Observation”. Contributed talk at the British Society for the Philosophy of Science Annual Conference (BSPS 2023), Bristol, UK.

Ahmed, S. (2023): “An Inferential-Information Transmission Account of Observation”. Contributed talk at the 4th Lisbon International Conference on Philosophy of Science (LICPOS 2023), Lisbon, Portugal.,of%20the%20University%20of%20Lisbon%20

Ahmed, S. (2023): “What is Scientific Observation? Is There a General Distinction between Direct and Indirect Observation?”. Poster presentation at the 9th biennial meeting of the European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA2023), Belgrade, Serbia.

Ahmed, S. (2023): “Best Explanation as the Source of Information: The Role of IBE in Modern Observations”. Contributed talk at the Philosophy of Experiment Conference, Establishing the Nordic Network for Philosophy of Physics, Stockholm, Sweden.

Ahmed, S. (2024): “Transforming Standards: Observation Contextualised” (2024), What Do We Talk About When We Talk About (Scientific) Practices?, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany.

Dierkes, J. (2023): “On Dummies and Dates: The Advent of Simulation-Based Training in Medical Education”. Conference presentation at 9th Norwegian Conference on the History of Science, Trondheim.

Düring, J. (2023): “Interactive Pluralism and Ecological Economics“. Vortrag auf der 6th International Conference of Economic Philosophy: „Economic Philosophy in the Age of the Anthropocene“, Lille (Frankreich)

Düring, J. (2024): “Introducing Interactive Scientific Pluralism to Economics”. Presentation at the Institutskolloquium Philosophisches Seminar University of Münster (Münster, Germany).

Düring, J. (2024): “What Economic Pluralists Can Learn from Interactive Scientific Pluralism”. Presentation at the Reading Group of the ERC project “Model Transfer: Model Transfer and its Challenges in Science: The Case of Economics” (Zoom).

Gautheron, L. (2023): “From Colliders to Cosmos: Dynamics of Cooperation and Collaboration in High-Energy Physics”. Summer school Collaboration and Interdisciplinarity in Science and Technology, Wuppertal, Germany.

Gautheron, L. (2023): “Probing Socio-Epistemic Dynamics in High-Energy Physics Using the Inspire HEP Database”. Big Data & HPSToronto [online].

Gautheron, L. (2023): “La Désunité de la Physique des Hautes-Énergies”, XIVe Congrès de la Société française d’histoire des sciences et des techniques: symposium “La physique de l’après Seconde guerre mondiale, entre ruptures et continuités”, Bordeaux, France.

Gautheron, L. (2022): “The Many Faces of Supersymmetry: Supersymmetry across Subcultures of High-Energy Physics, 1971–2019”. History of Science Society Annual Meeting: group session on Historical Epistemology of Particle Physics and Quantum Gravity, Chicago, IL, United States.

Gautheron, L. (2022): “Who Trusts Supersymmetry? Probing Quantitative Methods for Investigating Research Orientations in High-Energy Physics”. 4th International Spring School of the Epistemology of the Large Hadron Collider: The History, Philosophy and Sociology of Large Scale Experiments, Wuppertal, Germany.

Nicolay, J. (2023): “Die Erschließung neuer Räume durch wandernde Instrumente: Die Atlantische Expedition des Forschungsschiffes „Meteor” 1925-27”. Vortrag auf der GTG Konferenz, Wuppertal

Nicolay, J. (2023): “Von reif gewordenen Problemen und deutscher Forschungstradition: Narrative von Zeitlichkeit in der deutschen Meeresforschung zwischen 1925 und 1965”. Vortrag beim Driburger Kreis, Ingolstadt

Nicolay, J. (2023): “Wie der Südatlantik zum „Meer der deutschen Ozeanographie“ wurde: Dimensionen von Mobilität der Deutschen Atlantischen Expedition 1925-27”. Vortrag bei der GWMT Jahrestagung, Ingolstadt

Nicolay, J. (2024): “Die Konstruktion der zweiten „Meteor“: Der deutsche Blick auf die 
Weltmeere in den 1960er Jahren.” GTG conference Berlin, Germany.

Nicolay, J. (2024): “METEOR I. Der Beginn der modernen Ozeanographie? Traditionsbilder im Wandel” Symposium 100 Jahre Forschungsschifffahrt Zur Geschichte der 
METEOR I, Bremerhaven Germany. 

Schierenbeck, N. (2023): “The Historical Transformation of the Classification of Personality Disorders“. Poster Presentation at EPA 2023 – 31st Congress of Psychiatry, Paris.

Schierenbeck, N. (2023): “Women’s Impact on the Classification of Mental Disorders: Psychoanalytical Pioneers or Hysterical Research Objects?” Research Talk (online) at Croatia Libori Summer School 2023, Zagreb.

Schierenbeck, N. (2023): “Von einer kategorialen zu einer dimensionalen Perspektive. Zur historischen Entwicklung der Klassifikation von Persönlichkeitsstörungen. Vortrag auf der Tagung der Gesellschaft für Kulturpsychologie und der DGPs Fachgruppe Geschichte der Psychologie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Schierenbeck, N. (2023): “About the classification of personality disorders: Transformations in the face of definable landmarks or incremental change?” Conference presentation at 9th Norwegian Conference on the History of ScienceTrondheim.