Jasmin Dierkes


Project: On the Professionalization in the medical field with special focus on simulations

Supervisors: Thomas Heinze / Volker Remmert



Kasinostraße 19-21
42103 Wuppertal
6th Floor, Room 22

Project summary

My dissertation focuses on the training techniques and technologies of a ‘classical profession’ in order to understand the subtle changes in the standards of professional teaching and work. In my case, the advent of simulation-based training in medical education. The research material therefore includes archival material, such as scientific articles and university curricula, following the introduction of simulation-based training in Germany since the 1980s, as well as expert interviews and site visits to represent the current state.


  • Dierkes, J. and Stetten, M. Von (2023): Gesundheitsapps statt Beziehungspflege? Die Folgen der Coronapandemie für den Digitalisierungsdiskurs im Bereich der professionellen Psychotherapie. In: Frommeld, D., Gerhard, H., und Weber, K. (Hrsg.), Gesellschaften in der Krise. Praktiken, Diskurse und Wissensregime in Zeiten von Corona. Wiesbaden: Springer


  • Simulation-based training. A new professional, material education“, Presentation in Panel “Haptic revolutions: sensory futures and phenomenologies of expertise in medical worlds” at the EASST-4S 2024 Conference, Amsterdam, July 2024
  • “‘Like a real person’: The development and introduction of dummies for simulation-based training in medical education since the mid-20th century” (2024): “Lunchtime Seminars” of the Centre for History of Science, Technology and Medicine, Manchester University. [seminar talk]
  • “On dummies and dates: The advent of simulation-based training in medical education” (2023): 9th Norwegian Conference on the History of Science, Trondheim, Norway.

Short Biography/CV

  • Since 2022: Ph.D. in sociology of science at Bergische Universität Wuppertal
  • 2018-2021: Master Sociology at Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn
  • 2014-2018: Kombi-B.A. Sociology / German Studies at Kassel University