Upcoming events
- March, 27-28, 2025: Workshop “Scientific Pluralism, Epistemic Diversity, and Progress in Science”
- April 10-11th, 2025: Workshop on Research Integrity (with Hanne Anderson, Federico Boem, Yasemin J. Erden, Miles MacLeod, Cyrus Mody).
- May 26-27, 2025: Workshop “Materialien des Forschens und Lernens – Instrumente, Modelle und Wissensdinge aus historischer und soziologischer Perspektive“.
Regular events
- Every Wednesday at 4.30 pm: IZWT Colloquium
- Colloquium: History of Science of the early modern period: November 19,2024 | December 10, 2024 | January 14, 2025
- Advanced seminar: History of Mathematics (IZWT)
Previous events
- January 27, 2025: Gender & Science Talk with Dr. Mirjam Faissner
- December 3, 2024: History of Mathematics Wuppertal presents: “Book launches”
- September 16-18, 2024: Workshop on Methodological Transformations in Fundamental Physics
- June 12 – July 3, 2024: “Wissenschaftliches Fehlverhalten“
- March 13-15, 2024: Workshop on Mathematics and Its Historiography in the Long Twentieth Century [Program]
- February 21, 2024: Ruhr Wupper Forum – 17. Promovierenden-Kolloquium zur Wissenschafts-, Technik- und Umweltgeschichte
- September 24-29, 2023: Summer School “Collaboration and Interdisciplinarity in Science and Technology”
- May 8, 2023: Workshop with Anna Welpinghus: “How can we deal with structural injustice in academia?”